Sunday, September 16, 2007

Day 6 - Exhaustion

I'm exhausted today. I don't really know why. I've slept well the past two nights, but I've been in bed pretty much all day, sleeping on and off. Everything, and I mean *everything* sounds like too much work. Turning over? Too much work. Changing channels? Too much work. Eating? Too much work. I've just been sleeping on and off with my hand over my non-closing eye. Eye patch? Too much work.

Last night I did try some eye ointment, but I think I must have been allergic, because I woke up after about 4 hours with my eye hurting something fierce and when I removed my patch it was reeeeeeed and maaaaaad. I rinsed it out with eye drops and it stung like nobody's business. No more of that ointment for me.

Hope I can stay awake for work tomorrow.

1 comment:

Natural Herbs Clinic said...

Castor oil is extremely helpful in the Bell’s Palsy Natural Treatment. It lessens swelling and recuperates the harmed nerve. It fortifies the facial muscles and builds their flexibility. Warm some castor oil in a skillet. Drench a meager cotton fabric into the oil and apply it to the face. Spread the pack with wool to trap the warmth.