Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Day 1

Saturday morning I woke up with an earache (right side).

Sunday my right scalp felt hypersensitive and my hair "hurt".

Monday I went to the doctor and told him that my viral throat infection from 3 weeks ago had never really fully cleared up and now this new stuff was happening. He looked in my ear and said that I didn't have an ear infection. He felt my throat and said that my lymph nodes were swollen. I told him I knew that - that they had been for 3 weeks. He looked in my throat and told me it was red. I told him I also knew that - that that had also been the case for 3 weeks. He said, "Three weeks is a long time, let's try a Z-Pak." A Z-pak is a short run of antibiotics.

That night I drank a bottle of water that tasted funny. It didn't taste funny to Preston (my husband).

Tuesday morning I woke up and the right side of my face was numb and partially paralyzed.

I proceeded to have a mild freak out, take an asprin in case I was having a stroke, and go to work. My face became increasingly less responsive. I called my mom. She called me back and told me that it sounded like Bell's Palsy and I needed to go to the doc as soon as I could get an appt.

I got to work. People asked me what was wrong with my face.

I called to make an appointment. They forwarded me to a nurse. I told her my face was paralyzed. She said ok. I said that I thought that was a pretty major change in my sypmtoms and I thought maybe I should tell someone. She asked me why I hadn't gone to the ER. I told her I didn't know, I was 26 and I don't just go to the ER. Plus the copay on the ER is pretty big, I was just hoping to see a dr. today. She told me for facial paralysis I needed to call 911. I told her why didn't I just drive over to the minor emergency center where my copay is only $40. She told me to have someone else drive me.

So *my boss* drove me over to the minor emergency center. Where they told me I have Bell's Palsy.

*** This and the first several entries of this blog are backdated. They are what I wrote as it happened. Since learning I have Bell's Palsy, I've discovered lots of information on the internet, but most of it says exactly the same thing. I decided that I will blog the entire experience of Bell's Palsy from Day 1 through the end of it, whenever that may be. I can only hope that this blog will help someone else deal with this experience.

1 comment:

Natural Herbs Clinic said...

Castor oil is extremely helpful in the Bell’s Palsy Natural Treatment. It lessens swelling and recuperates the harmed nerve. It fortifies the facial muscles and builds their flexibility. Warm some castor oil in a skillet. Drench a meager cotton fabric into the oil and apply it to the face. Spread the pack with wool to trap the warmth.